-10% sur toute la boutique avec le code BLACKFRIDAY

Legal information

Name SAS (société par actions simplifiée) AGNES HARDI
Capital 100 000€
Siret number 879578987 00015
Trade Register 879 578 987 RM89
Intracommunity VAT number 92 879578987
Url agnes-hardi.com
Headquarter 6 rue du Lavoir, 89190 Lailly – FRANCE
Tel 09 72 54 07 24
Email agnes@agnes-hardi.com
Purpose of the site Presentation and online sale of scarves and stoles from Atelier Agnès Hardi
Director of the publication Agnès Hardi
Editorial manager, webmaster Agnès Hardi
Website design Clément TOLOIS & Djilan MOUHOUS
Photographs Cyril Ruoso
Database OVH
Hosting OVH

Data Protection Act

The site respects the directives of the RGPD. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law). To exercise this right, please contact info@foulard-carre.com


The site and the information it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and by international conventions. The site (or elements of its content, such as photos and patterns of scarves and stoles) may not be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or retransmitted without the prior written permission of the copyright holders (this does not apply to use within the family circle, nor to private use).

Designed and manufactured in France

Designed and manufactured in France.

French artisanal rolled hem

French artisanal rolled hem.

Free delivery worldwide

Free delivery worldwide.